RTAnext RTA Regional Transportation Authority Delivering our promise toyou Downtown Links Final Phase Sunset Road Connecting to River Road Grant Road Phases 3 and 4 Tangerine Road Phase 2A Project delivery update for 2006-2026 RTA plan; draft RTA Next plan ready for review To continue the Regional Transportation Authority's investments in transportation improvements across the greater Tucson region, the RTA Board approved a new 20-year draft plan on Sept. 26 for public review and feedback. The $2.46 billion RTA Next draft plan and a new, 20-year half- cent sales tax to fund it will both require voter approval. The RTA Board has set a tentative election date of November 2025. The RTA is a state taxing district within the boundaries of Pima County and is charged with developing a regional transportation plan that benefits all users of the transportation network no matter where you live or work in the region. The existing RTA plan approved by Pima County voters in 2006 is effective through June 2026. If RTA Next is approved in November 2025, a new plan would go into effect in April 2026. Four projects from the 2006 voter-approved plan will be deferred to the RTA Next plan due to project scope and cost changes that require voter approval, as allowed under state law. To continue current plan project delivery, including completion of the remaining roadway projects, a five-year spending program for fiscal years 2025 through 2029 was approved in May 2024 and provides funding to continue design, right-of- way and construction activities. In total, $280 million in regional funds were applied to RTA projects following the 2008 Great Recession to assist in funding projects to the ballot amount. Accounting for all collected and anticipated revenue through the end of June 2026, ROADWAY ELEMENT PROJECTS CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OCCURRING IN FY 2023-24 Tangerine Road, Phase 2A from I-10 to Marana Tech Drive (design and right of way) Silverbell Road, Phase 2 from Goret Road to Camino Del Cerro (design and right of way) Sunset Road, Phase 2 from I-10 to River Road (construction) 1st Avenue, Grant Road to River Road (design) UPRR underpass at Grant Road (design) Downtown Links, Phases 3 and 4 from Broadway Blvd. and St. Mary's Road (construction) Grant Road, Phases 3 and 4 from Palo Verde Blvd. to Venice Place (design and right of way) 22nd Street viaduct, Kino Blvd. to Tucson Blvd. (design and right of way) Bus pullout at Valencia and Ignacio Baumea (design) Irvington Road, Santa Cruz River to east of I-19; (design and right of way, to be constructed as part of the I-19 interchange reconstruction) Valencia Road, Kolb Road to Houghton Road (design and right of way) Houghton Road, Phase 7 from Irvington Road to 22nd Street (design and right of way) COMPLETED IN FY 2023-24 Broadway Blvd., Euclid Avenue to Country Club Road CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CONTINUING OR INITIATED IN FY 2024-25 Tangerine Road, Phase 2B from I-10 to Marana Tech Drive Sunset Road, Phase 2 from I-10 to River Road Downtown Links, Phases 3 and 4 from Broadway Blvd. and St. Mary's Road Grant Road, Phases 3 and 4 from Alvernon Way to Swan Road 22nd Street Viaduct, Kino Blvd. to Tucson Blvd. Valencia Road, Kolb Road to Houghton Road approximately $150 million in non-RTA funds is needed to complete remaining projects. The RTA continues to work with partner jurisdictions to recover any remaining funds based on 2006 ballot commitments, as well as identify and secure any other needed funds. Construction is underway on the following projects: Downtown Links, final phase; Sunset Road, connecting to River Road; Grant Road, phases 3 and 4; Tangerine Road, phase 2A. Per state law, the following projects must begin construction by June 30, 2026: Valencia, Kolb to Houghton; Grant Road UPRR; Irvington Interchange; 22nd Street; Camino Seco to Houghton; Valencia, I-19 to Alvernon; Harrison Road Bridge; Barraza-Aviation. The following projects will require supplemental funding as identified by the lead jurisdictions. Recovered RTA funds from 2006 ballot commitments and other applications also may be applied at the discretion of the RTA Board. Houghton Road, Irvington to 22nd Street; Silverbell Road, Phase 2; 22nd Street Bridge; Tangerine Road, Phase 2B; Grant Road, Phases 5 and 6; 1st Avenue, Grant to River. The RTA will continue to work with its members to ensure project delivery of 2006 voter-approved projects. To stay informed of the RTA Next plan development process and how you can participate, please visit RTANext.com or scan the QR code and sign up for updates. SAFETY ELEMENT PROJECTS COMPLETED IN FY 2023-24 Grant/Arcadia, new signalized pedestrian crossing ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC VITALITY ELEMENT PROJECTS COMPLETED IN FY 2023-24 La Cañada Drive, multi-use path from Lambert Lane to Naranja Drive (Phase 1) Pima Mine Road multi-use pathway CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CONTINUING OR INITIATED IN FY 2024-25 Shared-use pathway, Mary Ann Cleveland Way Bike boulevard package, 9th Street, 9th Avenue-Castro, and 5th Street Bike boulevard package, 18th Street, 8th Avenue, and South Campbell-Pinal Street Naranja multi-use pathway, La Cañada to 1st Avenue Bike and pedestrian improvements, 2nd Street, University of Arizona Arroyo Chico urban greenway, Country Club Road to Treat Avenue TRANSIT ELEMENT PROJECTS No change to existing funded services The full RTA FY 2023-24 Annual Report, the auditor's report of the RTA plan and updated project maps will be available online at RTAmobility.com after Jan. 1, 2025. The RTA operates its programs without regard to race, color and national origin in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. If you need assistance with translation, please contact Zonia Kelley at (520) 792-1093. Si necesita ayuda con traducción, llame por favor at (520) 792-1093 y comuníquese con Zonia Kelley. FY 2023-24 RTA FINANCIAL REPORT REVENUES (Audited) $ 11,122 (000s) Excise Tax Program $ 123,598 Grants S 1,786 Bond/Investment $ 12,324 TOTAL REVENUES $148,830 EXPENDITURES ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS Total Roadway $ 14,823 SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS Elderly & Pedestrian $ Total Safety $ 104 104 ENVIRONMENTAL & ECONOMIC VITALITY IMPROVEMENTS Greenways, Bikeways, Pathways & Sidewalks $ Transportation-related Critical Wildlife Linkages $ Small Business Assistance $ Total Environmental & Economic Vitality $ TRANSIT IMPROVEMENTS Transit Operations 586 34 226 846 $ 37,832 Total Transit $ 37,832 Administration Expenses $ 1,812 Debt Service* TOTAL EXPENDITURES Surplus/(Deficit) $ 56,352 $111,769 $ 37,061 Beginning of the Year Fund Balance $226,911 Year-end Fund Balance $263,972 * Includes bond principal and interest FYS 2007-23 PROJECTS' COMPLETED PLAN ELEMENT ROADWAY Total Roadway' 50 SAFETY Intersection 202 Elderly & Pedestrian 164 Bus Pullouts² 180 Railroad Bridge 16 Signal Technology 74 Total Safety 636 ENVIRONMENTAL & ECONOMIC VITALITY Greenways, Bikeways, Pathways & Sidewalks 247 Transportation-related Critical Wildlife Linkages 36 Total Environmental & Economic Vitality³ 283 TRANSIT Weekday Evening 21 Weekday Service 23 9 Bus Frequency & Overcrowding Relief Park & Ride Transit Centers Neighborhood Circulator High Capacity Streetcar 8 7 1 Express Service 3 Special Needs 3 Maintenance Storage Facilities 3 Total Transit 78 Grand Total 1,047 'The 35 roadway corridors are completed in phases. This number reflects improvement phases and not the completed corridors. 2180 bus pullouts completed include additions to existing roadways and those embedded in corridor widening/improvement projects. When compared to the previous fiscal year, the increase in project completions is due to adjustments in tracking. *21 routes received weekday evening service, fully implementing this service expansion 59 routes received overcrowding relief or expansion "Includes completed temporary lots REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 1 E. Broadway Blvd., Suite 401 Tucson, AZ 85701 RTAmobility.com RTAnext RTA Regional Transportation Authority Delivering our promise toyou Downtown Links Final Phase Sunset Road Connecting to River Road Grant Road Phases 3 and 4 Tangerine Road Phase 2A Project delivery update for 2006-2026 RTA plan ; draft RTA Next plan ready for review To continue the Regional Transportation Authority's investments in transportation improvements across the greater Tucson region , the RTA Board approved a new 20 - year draft plan on Sept. 26 for public review and feedback . The $ 2.46 billion RTA Next draft plan and a new , 20 - year half- cent sales tax to fund it will both require voter approval . The RTA Board has set a tentative election date of November 2025 . The RTA is a state taxing district within the boundaries of Pima County and is charged with developing a regional transportation plan that benefits all users of the transportation network no matter where you live or work in the region . The existing RTA plan approved by Pima County voters in 2006 is effective through June 2026. If RTA Next is approved in November 2025 , a new plan would go into effect in April 2026 . Four projects from the 2006 voter - approved plan will be deferred to the RTA Next plan due to project scope and cost changes that require voter approval , as allowed under state law . To continue current plan project delivery , including completion of the remaining roadway projects , a five - year spending program for fiscal years 2025 through 2029 was approved in May 2024 and provides funding to continue design , right - of- way and construction activities . In total , $ 280 million in regional funds were applied to RTA projects following the 2008 Great Recession to assist in funding projects to the ballot amount . Accounting for all collected and anticipated revenue through the end of June 2026 , ROADWAY ELEMENT PROJECTS CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OCCURRING IN FY 2023-24 Tangerine Road , Phase 2A from I - 10 to Marana Tech Drive ( design and right of way ) Silverbell Road , Phase 2 from Goret Road to Camino Del Cerro ( design and right of way ) Sunset Road , Phase 2 from I - 10 to River Road ( construction ) 1st Avenue , Grant Road to River Road ( design ) UPRR underpass at Grant Road ( design ) Downtown Links , Phases 3 and 4 from Broadway Blvd. and St. Mary's Road ( construction ) Grant Road , Phases 3 and 4 from Palo Verde Blvd. to Venice Place ( design and right of way ) 22nd Street viaduct , Kino Blvd. to Tucson Blvd. ( design and right of way ) Bus pullout at Valencia and Ignacio Baumea ( design ) Irvington Road , Santa Cruz River to east of I - 19 ; ( design and right of way , to be constructed as part of the I - 19 interchange reconstruction ) Valencia Road , Kolb Road to Houghton Road ( design and right of way ) Houghton Road , Phase 7 from Irvington Road to 22nd Street ( design and right of way ) COMPLETED IN FY 2023-24 Broadway Blvd. , Euclid Avenue to Country Club Road CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CONTINUING OR INITIATED IN FY 2024-25 Tangerine Road , Phase 2B from I - 10 to Marana Tech Drive Sunset Road , Phase 2 from I - 10 to River Road Downtown Links , Phases 3 and 4 from Broadway Blvd. and St. Mary's Road Grant Road , Phases 3 and 4 from Alvernon Way to Swan Road 22nd Street Viaduct , Kino Blvd. to Tucson Blvd. Valencia Road , Kolb Road to Houghton Road approximately $ 150 million in non - RTA funds is needed to complete remaining projects . The RTA continues to work with partner jurisdictions to recover any remaining funds based on 2006 ballot commitments , as well as identify and secure any other needed funds . Construction is underway on the following projects : Downtown Links , final phase ; Sunset Road , connecting to River Road ; Grant Road , phases 3 and 4 ; Tangerine Road , phase 2A . Per state law , the following projects must begin construction by June 30 , 2026 : Valencia , Kolb to Houghton ; Grant Road UPRR ; Irvington Interchange ; 22nd Street ; Camino Seco to Houghton ; Valencia , I - 19 to Alvernon ; Harrison Road Bridge ; Barraza - Aviation . The following projects will require supplemental funding as identified by the lead jurisdictions . Recovered RTA funds from 2006 ballot commitments and other applications also may be applied at the discretion of the RTA Board . Houghton Road , Irvington to 22nd Street ; Silverbell Road , Phase 2 ; 22nd Street Bridge ; Tangerine Road , Phase 2B ; Grant Road , Phases 5 and 6 ; 1st Avenue , Grant to River . The RTA will continue to work with its members to ensure project delivery of 2006 voter - approved projects . To stay informed of the RTA Next plan development process and how you can participate , please visit RTANext.com or scan the QR code and sign up for updates . SAFETY ELEMENT PROJECTS COMPLETED IN FY 2023-24 Grant / Arcadia , new signalized pedestrian crossing ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC VITALITY ELEMENT PROJECTS COMPLETED IN FY 2023-24 La Cañada Drive , multi - use path from Lambert Lane to Naranja Drive ( Phase 1 ) Pima Mine Road multi - use pathway CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CONTINUING OR INITIATED IN FY 2024-25 Shared - use pathway , Mary Ann Cleveland Way Bike boulevard package , 9th Street , 9th Avenue - Castro , and 5th Street Bike boulevard package , 18th Street , 8th Avenue , and South Campbell - Pinal Street Naranja multi - use pathway , La Cañada to 1st Avenue Bike and pedestrian improvements , 2nd Street , University of Arizona Arroyo Chico urban greenway , Country Club Road to Treat Avenue TRANSIT ELEMENT PROJECTS No change to existing funded services The full RTA FY 2023-24 Annual Report , the auditor's report of the RTA plan and updated project maps will be available online at RTAmobility.com after Jan. 1 , 2025 . The RTA operates its programs without regard to race , color and national origin in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act . If you need assistance with translation , please contact Zonia Kelley at ( 520 ) 792-1093 . Si necesita ayuda con traducción , llame por favor at ( 520 ) 792-1093 y comuníquese con Zonia Kelley . FY 2023-24 RTA FINANCIAL REPORT REVENUES ( Audited ) $ 11,122 ( 000s ) Excise Tax Program $ 123,598 Grants S 1,786 Bond / Investment $ 12,324 TOTAL REVENUES $ 148,830 EXPENDITURES ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS Total Roadway $ 14,823 SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS Elderly & Pedestrian $ Total Safety $ 104 104 ENVIRONMENTAL & ECONOMIC VITALITY IMPROVEMENTS Greenways , Bikeways , Pathways & Sidewalks $ Transportation - related Critical Wildlife Linkages $ Small Business Assistance $ Total Environmental & Economic Vitality $ TRANSIT IMPROVEMENTS Transit Operations 586 34 226 846 $ 37,832 Total Transit $ 37,832 Administration Expenses $ 1,812 Debt Service * TOTAL EXPENDITURES Surplus / ( Deficit ) $ 56,352 $ 111,769 $ 37,061 Beginning of the Year Fund Balance $ 226,911 Year - end Fund Balance $ 263,972 * Includes bond principal and interest FYS 2007-23 PROJECTS ' COMPLETED PLAN ELEMENT ROADWAY Total Roadway ' 50 SAFETY Intersection 202 Elderly & Pedestrian 164 Bus Pullouts² 180 Railroad Bridge 16 Signal Technology 74 Total Safety 636 ENVIRONMENTAL & ECONOMIC VITALITY Greenways , Bikeways , Pathways & Sidewalks 247 Transportation - related Critical Wildlife Linkages 36 Total Environmental & Economic Vitality³ 283 TRANSIT Weekday Evening 21 Weekday Service 23 9 Bus Frequency & Overcrowding Relief Park & Ride Transit Centers Neighborhood Circulator High Capacity Streetcar 8 7 1 Express Service 3 Special Needs 3 Maintenance Storage Facilities 3 Total Transit 78 Grand Total 1,047 ' The 35 roadway corridors are completed in phases . This number reflects improvement phases and not the completed corridors . 2180 bus pullouts completed include additions to existing roadways and those embedded in corridor widening / improvement projects . When compared to the previous fiscal year , the increase in project completions is due to adjustments in tracking . * 21 routes received weekday evening service , fully implementing this service expansion 59 routes received overcrowding relief or expansion " Includes completed temporary lots REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 1 E. Broadway Blvd. , Suite 401 Tucson , AZ 85701 RTAmobility.com