Elevate your earnings strategy. Diversify your savings with a Prestige Money Market account or a new 17 month Jumbo certificate from Hughes Federal Credit Union. Enjoy the life you've earned with some of the best savings rates in the state, according to independent research firm, Datatrac.* Hughes is your local source for great rates and your funds are fully insured, providing the safety and security you deserve. If you haven't thought of a credit union for boosting your savings, now is the time! We take you further. Hughes Federal Credit Union Prestige Money Market Savings 3.56% Minimum balance of $250,000 5.65% 17 month Jumbo Certificate Account Minimum balance of $99,000 HughesFCU.org/Elevate | 520-794-8341 Insured by NCUA. Certain restrictions apply. Annual Percentage Yields (APY) are effective January 1, 2024. A minimum balance of $250,000 is required to earn 3.56% Current Annual Percentage Yield (APY) for Prestige Money Market Savings. The Dividend Rate and APY are subject to change Savings dividends are compounded daily and credited quarterly. The National Credit Union Administration insures funds up to $250,000. Please consult with our Member Service Representative or visit NCUA.gov for more information "A minimum balance of $99,000 is required to earn 5.65% Current Annual Percentage Yield (APY) for 17 Month Jumbo Certificate Account Certificate Accounts are compounded daily and credited monthly. Withdrawal of funds resulting in an amount less than the minimum balance will cause the account to be closed. There is a substantial penalty for early (premature) withdrawal of Certificate Accounts funds. Fees may reduce earnings. For current rate information, visit HughesFCU.org/Rates "Datatrac is an independent, unbiased research firm that specializes in compiling banking industry data for deposit and loan products. Hughes rates outperform the Arizona average eaming a Datatrac Great Rate Award Elevate your earnings strategy . Diversify your savings with a Prestige Money Market account or a new 17 month Jumbo certificate from Hughes Federal Credit Union . Enjoy the life you've earned with some of the best savings rates in the state , according to independent research firm , Datatrac . * Hughes is your local source for great rates and your funds are fully insured , providing the safety and security you deserve . If you haven't thought of a credit union for boosting your savings , now is the time ! We take you further . Hughes Federal Credit Union Prestige Money Market Savings 3.56 % Minimum balance of $ 250,000 5.65 % 17 month Jumbo Certificate Account Minimum balance of $ 99,000 HughesFCU.org/Elevate | 520-794-8341 Insured by NCUA . Certain restrictions apply . Annual Percentage Yields ( APY ) are effective January 1 , 2024. A minimum balance of $ 250,000 is required to earn 3.56 % Current Annual Percentage Yield ( APY ) for Prestige Money Market Savings . The Dividend Rate and APY are subject to change Savings dividends are compounded daily and credited quarterly . The National Credit Union Administration insures funds up to $ 250,000 . Please consult with our Member Service Representative or visit NCUA.gov for more information " A minimum balance of $ 99,000 is required to earn 5.65 % Current Annual Percentage Yield ( APY ) for 17 Month Jumbo Certificate Account Certificate Accounts are compounded daily and credited monthly . Withdrawal of funds resulting in an amount less than the minimum balance will cause the account to be closed . There is a substantial penalty for early ( premature ) withdrawal of Certificate Accounts funds . Fees may reduce earnings . For current rate information , visit HughesFCU.org/Rates " Datatrac is an independent , unbiased research firm that specializes in compiling banking industry data for deposit and loan products . Hughes rates outperform the Arizona average eaming a Datatrac Great Rate Award