GREEN VAL GREEN COUNCIL VALLEY, Your Community Valce Since 1973 Thank you to all our Members, Community Partners, Preferred Vendors, and the Green Valley community for your continued support. To the 2400+ community members who attended our Board meetings, workshops, and forums, thank you for a successful 2022. Here's a peek at what we're looking forward to in 2023: quarterly community workshops, more community events including the January 14th Responders Fair, and many important community Forums 2023 Happy New Year WE ARE PROUD TO BE YOUR COMMUNITY VOICE GREEN VAL GREEN COUNCIL VALLEY , Your Community Valce Since 1973 Thank you to all our Members , Community Partners , Preferred Vendors , and the Green Valley community for your continued support . To the 2400+ community members who attended our Board meetings , workshops , and forums , thank you for a successful 2022. Here's a peek at what we're looking forward to in 2023 : quarterly community workshops , more community events including the January 14th Responders Fair , and many important community Forums 2023 Happy New Year WE ARE PROUD TO BE YOUR COMMUNITY VOICE