Aslan Derd Friends In ED FRIENDS IN DEED Visit us 9am - 3pm M-F, at 301 W. Camino Casa Verde Green Valley, AZ 85614 CALL us at (520) 625-1150 Friday Social Events Every Fri. 8:30-10:30am -or- Visit us at Meeting Rooms Blood Pressure Clinics Speakers Bure Medical Equipment Trans Friday Social Friends la 1971 Dend EID Medical Equipment Short-term Loans Available Free Blood Pressure Clinics Every Tues. & Fri. 9-10:30am All Services Are Free Of Charge. Meeting Rooms - Three meeting rooms available for non-profit meetings and gatherings. Personal Rides - To medical, legal & dental appointments. One week notice needed. Call Transportation at (520) 625-4424. Donations-Each year, our volunteers dedicate countless hours into accomplishing our mission. We have no paid staff or government funding. We rely solely on the generosity of people like you! Volunteer-If you would like to offer your time, talents, and energy to help us meet the needs of our growing community, come see us about volunteering. Only 3 hours per week required. Medical, Legal, Dental Rides Transportation Wheelchair Vans Available OUR VOLUNTEERS MAKE IT HAPPEN YOUR DONATIONS MAKE IT POSSIBLE. Aslan Derd Friends In ED FRIENDS IN DEED Visit us 9am - 3pm M - F , at 301 W. Camino Casa Verde Green Valley , AZ 85614 CALL us at ( 520 ) 625-1150 Friday Social Events Every Fri. 8 : 30-10 : 30am -or- Visit us at Meeting Rooms Blood Pressure Clinics Speakers Bure Medical Equipment Trans Friday Social Friends la 1971 Dend EID Medical Equipment Short - term Loans Available Free Blood Pressure Clinics Every Tues. & Fri. 9-10 : 30am All Services Are Free Of Charge . Meeting Rooms - Three meeting rooms available for non - profit meetings and gatherings . Personal Rides - To medical , legal & dental appointments . One week notice needed . Call Transportation at ( 520 ) 625-4424 . Donations - Each year , our volunteers dedicate countless hours into accomplishing our mission . We have no paid staff or government funding . We rely solely on the generosity of people like you ! Volunteer - If you would like to offer your time , talents , and energy to help us meet the needs of our growing community , come see us about volunteering . Only 3 hours per week required . Medical , Legal , Dental Rides Transportation Wheelchair Vans Available OUR VOLUNTEERS MAKE IT HAPPEN YOUR DONATIONS MAKE IT POSSIBLE .