Principles of Christian Leadership A Study in Nehemiah The Men's Minístry of Evangelical Free. Church, Green Valley hosts the 2022 Spríng Conference Dr. Walter C Kaiser Jr, Old Testament Scholar and Speaker at Billy Graham Training Center (The Cove) April 29-39 (rescheduled) Fríday Night 5:00 pm to 8:0o pm, - Saturday 7:30 am 12:30 pm - Saturday 7:0o am 7:30 am (coffee and doughnuts included) $30 per person Ladies Welcome Sign up soon as seatíng is limited Tickets can be purchased at EFC and are available at the administration office Evangelical Free Church 1393 W Mission Twin Buttes Rd Green Valley, AZ 85622 520-648-6781 Principles of Christian Leadership A Study in Nehemiah The Men's Minístry of Evangelical Free. Church, Green Valley hosts the 2022 Spríng Conference Dr. Walter C Kaiser Jr, Old Testament Scholar and Speaker at Billy Graham Training Center (The Cove) April 29-39 (rescheduled) Fríday Night 5:00 pm to 8:0o pm, - Saturday 7:30 am 12:30 pm - Saturday 7:0o am 7:30 am (coffee and doughnuts included) $30 per person Ladies Welcome Sign up soon as seatíng is limited Tickets can be purchased at EFC and are available at the administration office Evangelical Free Church 1393 W Mission Twin Buttes Rd Green Valley, AZ 85622 520-648-6781