COLDWELL BANKER COLDWEL BANKER RESIDENTIAL ROKERAGE GREEN VALLEY uso000 GREEN VALLEY CE UPONEQUES boadhyemodeed estin he heart of G Santa fe te bom . cham Non aerescted a00 LeLnd 20 26 000 Laedroey3com wih log po wood beam &g repice tor SW Gond Svino aeas sepaate ewing with axchen &gage Aberta 20 s01 369 wa ateaoves com GREEN VALLEY 004 2o Sane te styie goit corse home s one of kind w meous pgrades Dontmss ou Linda Jhle 520 471 1 Ken h3130 200 GREEN VALLEY PRICE UPONN PEQUEST GREEN VALLEY I4400 Enertane's 3a home whene courtyard wat of windoes Open ing a nkhen Backy Tucker 52o54 beckyck Ctom Saamkchen Aderwood cabinetry grane countens geas oom bons oom with frepiae modem o tor lo bsvee stat garage JelJameson 520 41 853 SAMUARITA 31.000 Ftaoo25a Rancho Sahu o de s SAHUARITAS1sc00 Jutundor con Up 73 t b tca g ney tome 56 comuty Sey Jakon 520 461 943 shelly jcksonamoves com SAHUARITA PRICE UPON REQUEST Sunning 3b 5a+ den home unigue stacked sone ro land coved pao nd more SAHUARITA S0 N n thepecngo&Serft y rossoyhoe ad & ye Sue Tayorane 520400500 tome wo po fow our o Debbe W s 20 24 463 DebbWReatt wn ec YOUR HOME CAN BE A SUPERSTAR! AT HONE ARIZONA Oont miss tis chance to showcae your home on the hotest rool ostte show around AtHome n Aona a wookdy Coldwell Bark TV progam S g tuous oc ropones or s Check tout Sundays at 11 am on The CW Find out how to hee a spongnt on you home. Contact your oca Coidwell Banker office today for dota COLDWELLBANKERHOMES.COM o Agte e he e M g er a nt COLDWELL BANKER COLDWEL BANKER RESIDENTIAL ROKERAGE GREEN VALLEY uso000 GREEN VALLEY CE UPONEQUES boadhyemodeed estin he heart of G Santa fe te bom . cham Non aerescted a00 LeLnd 20 26 000 Laedroey3com wih log po wood beam &g repice tor SW Gond Svino aeas sepaate ewing with axchen &gage Aberta 20 s01 369 wa ateaoves com GREEN VALLEY 004 2o Sane te styie goit corse home s one of kind w meous pgrades Dontmss ou Linda Jhle 520 471 1 Ken h3130 200 GREEN VALLEY PRICE UPONN PEQUEST GREEN VALLEY I4400 Enertane's 3a home whene courtyard wat of windoes Open ing a nkhen Backy Tucker 52o54 beckyck Ctom Saamkchen Aderwood cabinetry grane countens geas oom bons oom with frepiae modem o tor lo bsvee stat garage JelJameson 520 41 853 SAMUARITA 31.000 Ftaoo25a Rancho Sahu o de s SAHUARITAS1sc00 Jutundor con Up 73 t b tca g ney tome 56 comuty Sey Jakon 520 461 943 shelly jcksonamoves com SAHUARITA PRICE UPON REQUEST Sunning 3b 5a+ den home unigue stacked sone ro land coved pao nd more SAHUARITA S0 N n thepecngo&Serft y rossoyhoe ad & ye Sue Tayorane 520400500 tome wo po fow our o Debbe W s 20 24 463 DebbWReatt wn ec YOUR HOME CAN BE A SUPERSTAR! AT HONE ARIZONA Oont miss tis chance to showcae your home on the hotest rool ostte show around AtHome n Aona a wookdy Coldwell Bark TV progam S g tuous oc ropones or s Check tout Sundays at 11 am on The CW Find out how to hee a spongnt on you home. Contact your oca Coidwell Banker office today for dota COLDWELLBANKERHOMES.COM o Agte e he e M g er a nt